While we were in Ocala we had a bus tour. This is one of the places we stopped. It use to be an amusement park and the state of Florida took it over and are making it back into a natural park.

We saw a gator on the bank of the springs. It just looked at us.

This palm tree is suppose to be good luck if you get your picture made in the crook. Yeah right.

We also visited a horse farm and had a wagon ride. This is the second wagon with Libby and Luke a matched pair of Percherons I thank that's how its spelt.

This is our wagon and our Driver Kimmi.

The area around here is full of horse farms. And the horses are very interested in our wagons.

Look at his braids.

Half of our pair.

Yesterday we took a bus ride to see a bunch of Tampa and the area. We are in Tampa until tomorrow. Here we are on a sponge boat in Tarpon Springs. The diver is dressed the way they dove for sponges 50 years ago. Now they use scuba gear.

This "camp" is for sale. WOW

The view of Tampa across the bay. It was raining and cold but you could see the city.

Some more of us on the boat. It took the diver about 20 minutes to get dressed with the help of two other men.

He looks uncomfortable.

The suit weighs a total of 172 pounds with the helmet plus his body weight to be able to walk on the sea bed.

Over the side he goes.

Now we are in Ybor (ebor) City. It use to be the place where they made Cuban cigars.

There was suppose to be a fiesta yesterday but it rained so hard a lot of it wasn't even opened. I felt so sorry for them. This was planned for a year for just one day.
I'm so excited. I finally figured out the picture thing. I had to do my happy dance. There will be more pictures next week.
Love, Mom and Dad
Are there pictures of the happy dance?
Schweet, pictures! Now go back and post the old ones :)
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