Friday, March 13, 2015

KeyWest and Miami

This is the southernmost point of the USA.  There was a ton of people around the buoy so we took the photo from across the street.

This is a pick-up that some "crazy" decorated with shells and stuff.  The folks of Key West are sure different.  We saw a guy dressed up as a pirate with glitter and gold boots. 

We ate in a sidewalk café.  Almost everything is outside.  Cool

After we left Key West we took a bus trip of Miami that took about 10 hours.  I'm glad we don't live in Miami.  The traffic is awful.

This the inside of a big house that was built in the 1920's.  The guy who built it only lived in it for a few years.  He passed away about two year after it was finished. This is part of our tour.

This is outside of the big house on Biscay Bay.  He had a barge built out in the water for parties etc.  Life is hard.

We saw the Disney boat in Miami.

Some fancy hotel built in the 20's in Coral Gables.  I can't believe the money around here.

Last night we took a Jungle Queen cruise down the Nu River.  It's only 7 miles long.  And we went under four draw bridges.  At the end of the cruise we had dinner and a show.  It was fun, and we didn't get back to the RV park until about 11:00.  The traffic was heavy down near the ocean because it's Spring Break.  There is lots of young people around looking very sunburned.  

This is the Jungle Queen at night.

I still can't get over the orchids growing in trees.  It is subtropical down there.
We are in Kissimmee right now.  We got here about 3:30, and don't leave until Tuesday.  We hope to visit with Jeff this weekend.  That's all for tonight.
Love, Mom and Dad

1 comment:

mendy said...

People watching in Key West must be magical.