Sunday, February 22, 2015

Start of the Southern Exposure

this is getting frustrating!!!!!  I guess I'll have to start a new blog when I've got time.  But here's what we've done since I lasted posted.

We spent three days in Mississippi during Mardi Gras.  We drove into Biloxi on Fat Tuesday and got caught up in a parade set-up.  So we drove on into Pascagoula to avoid the parade proper.  We wondered around and had lunch etc.figuring we'd miss it all together.  Ha on the way back we drove right beside it.  It was a hoot.  The trash along the road was full of beads and junk.  The poor sanitation had to clean it all up.

We're in Pensacola now.  We went to the commissary and are doing laundry today getting ready to start our tour this afternoon.  We head out for Tallahassee on Tuesday.  Will let you know more later.

Love Mom and Dad

1 comment:

mendy said...

Did you get any beads? *winkwink*