On our way to Homestead from Ft. Myers we stopped at the Miccosukee Indian village to see a gator show and have an airboat ride. FUN!

They raise gators there.

This is a native who is very daring around the animals.


Your dad got to hold a baby gator.

Then we got into an airboat and got a cool ride through some of the Everglades.

This is the boat that the other half of our group rode in. Our boat had two engines.

The next day we had a tour of an orchid farm. I took a bunch of pictures, but I'll only show you one. This is the green house. The orchids grow in trees down here.

Then we went to a bonsai farm. It appears that bonsai means "tree in a pot."

This one costs about $18,000.

A common bouganvilla.


Yesterday your dad and I had a free day so we went to the Everglades.

These are anhingas a diving bird.

Black Vultures

Blue heron

A broad tailed hawk (I think)

Wild gator


We drove 40 miles down into the park to the end of the road. As you can see this is the end of mainland Florida.
We have had a very busy few days. It's hot down here but at least a breeze is almost always blowing. In the Everglades we saw a ton of birds. It was amazing. I guess they came down to get out of the cold. On one of the walks we took yesterday we must have seen a dozen wild gators. They just lay in the water and snooze. I understand they don't require much food. The Indians said they feed them every two weeks. There was suppose to be crocs at the lands end, but we couldn't find them.
We are on Key West for the next three nights. Our campground is right on the water. Well that's all for today. More next time.
Love, Mom and Dad
Time is flying, I can't believe that you're in Key West already. Dad looks very focused holding that gator.
Was any gator consumed?
I never got to see a wild gator in FL. Have fun in Key West, they supposedly have a lot of cool art there.
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