Thursday, June 8, 2017


We are having a great time with our friends.  We showed them the Redwoods, the Sequoias, and Yosemite.  This is from the Redwoods.

The fish at the top of the frame is the high water mark from a flood of 1964.  It's about 20 feet up the tree.
This is a scene from Columbia State Park in the gold country.  It's a reproduction of an old mining town.

We're at Crater Lake.  This is Linda and Darrell Marshall.  They are from Michigan.

This is Sally and Gary Johnson.  They are from Utah.

I've not taken many photos so far.  And it's been over a year since I've used this program and I can't figure out how to get rid of the underlining.  I have to do each line at a time.  I'll figure it out by the time we get home.  
Anyway the falls at Yosemite where fantastic.  We walked up the lower falls and got drenched.  It was beautiful.  We also saw some people climbing El Cap.  Nuts...
This is all for now. 
Love, Mom and Dad


Mark said...

Looks like there's still a lot of natural air conditioning up at crater lake. Did you guys hike down to the lake level and take the boat tour?

mendy said...

I love the sequoias. So pretty!

Christy said...

Your time looked like a much more comfortable temp. The Sequoias really are amazing.