Friday, June 23, 2017

More from the coast

These are plants that eat insects.  They are in Darlingtonia wayside just north of Florence.

They are as big as a fist.  My fist at least.

We watched this woman clean fish from a day fishing boat. She was really fast.  It didn't take more then five minutes to clean a forty pound halibut.

This boat had about 20 people on board with at least two fish per.

We went to a glass shop and watched this guy, Patrick make a purple sea star .

There is a screen between us and the artist.

We drove to the coast to see some lighthouses.  This one is the oldest I think.

At another lighthouse we saw several huge rocks with nesting birds.  Boy are they loud.

This is the tallest lighthouse I think.

These are Common Murres.  They remind me of Penguins  We also saw a couple of whales out around the rocks.

This is the smallest harbor in Oregon.  It's in Depoe Bay.

This is another glass blower.

We drove up the coast to Lincoln City where we watched a bunch of people digging for clams.

Here in Newport we went to the aquarium and watched a pelican show.

We got up close and personal with sea stars.

That's all the photos up to us going up toTillamook.  We have been having a good time so far.  We head up to Astoria tomorrow.  We hear you're cooling down while  the heat is coming up here.
I think I close for now.

Love, Mom and Dad


mendy said...

Going to get a lot of cheese in Tillamook?

Mark said...

Heat's coming back here too, forecast is for 93 at our house tomorrow