Thursday, June 8, 2017

more photos

I remembered more pictures, so I'll show some more.  We saw deer munching grass near Yosemite Falls.

Look at all the water.

Half Dome.  It was closed because of snow.

Our friends were amazed by the size.

We had a good time so far.  We couldn't go down to the water level at Crater Lake because of snow again.  The snow was cleared up to the lodge and no farther.  I heard a ranger tell some one on the phone that the roads wouldn't be clear until sometime mid-July.  We got rain today here in Grants Pass.  The wind came up big time and a tree broke off and a little trailer got some big damage.  No one was hurt.  It was strange that the tree lost it's top from about 20feet up.  Weird
We leave in the morning for Brookings.


Mark said...

Those trees are massive!

mendy said...

Oooh... Half Dome doesn't even look real through the haze.

Christy said...

They just opened the upper lakes basin in Mammoth a few days ago.