Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More of the coast

I am amazed by all the huge rocks just off the coast.

This is The Octopus Tree.  It is said that the native Americans shaped this tree to put their dead in their canoes.  The tree is strange but beautiful.

There are several bird's nests along these cliffs.

Another of the lighthouses along the coast.

This is the beach at Pacfic City.  People park right on the sand.  When it was over 100 in Portland last weekend, a ton of folks drove to the coast.  You could barely see any sand at all.

This fall is called Munson Creek Falls.  It is just south of Tillamook.  We walked about a quarter of a mile UP to it. My Fitbit said I climbed over 20 flights of stairs that day.

This is a level part of the trail.

We visited Fort Clapsop while in Astoria

Here's a ranger firing his gun.  LOUD

This is said to be where the Lewis and Clark party landed their canoes.

While in Astoria we drove over the four mile bridge to go to Cape Disappointment in Washington. People can drive down on the beach.  It is kinda cool. 

This was the last  of the coast we will see on this trip.

This is the stinky rocks where birds roost.  PU  This is the view from the visitors center. At first I didn't smell it, but then the wind changed direction and WOW.

Guess what this is.

We are in WA until Friday.  We were suppose to go to Mt. St. Helens today but it is too overcast.  So we'll drive up and in tomorrow when it is suppose to be sunny.  We want to be able to see the mountain. 
It is hard to believe that in just 8 days we leave our friends and head off to Colorado.

That's all for this time.
Love, Mom and Dad

Friday, June 23, 2017

More from the coast

These are plants that eat insects.  They are in Darlingtonia wayside just north of Florence.

They are as big as a fist.  My fist at least.

We watched this woman clean fish from a day fishing boat. She was really fast.  It didn't take more then five minutes to clean a forty pound halibut.

This boat had about 20 people on board with at least two fish per.

We went to a glass shop and watched this guy, Patrick make a purple sea star .

There is a screen between us and the artist.

We drove to the coast to see some lighthouses.  This one is the oldest I think.

At another lighthouse we saw several huge rocks with nesting birds.  Boy are they loud.

This is the tallest lighthouse I think.

These are Common Murres.  They remind me of Penguins  We also saw a couple of whales out around the rocks.

This is the smallest harbor in Oregon.  It's in Depoe Bay.

This is another glass blower.

We drove up the coast to Lincoln City where we watched a bunch of people digging for clams.

Here in Newport we went to the aquarium and watched a pelican show.

We got up close and personal with sea stars.

That's all the photos up to us going up toTillamook.  We have been having a good time so far.  We head up to Astoria tomorrow.  We hear you're cooling down while  the heat is coming up here.
I think I close for now.

Love, Mom and Dad

Friday, June 16, 2017

Along Oregons Coast

We drove north and south from Brookings to look at the coast. The rocks and the water is beautiful. 
At least the sky was clearish.

This I called Natural Arch.

  • We drove up to Florence and took a buggy ride in the dunes.  It was a blast.

The tour was about an hour.  We went down to the beach and saw an osprey soaring above us.

We drove straight down this dune.  It seemed like the buggy was going to flip over. We went down at least three just like this one. It felt like a rollercoaster ride.
This more of the coast north of Florence.

That road down there is the 101.

The ocean was getting a little angry, and tide was coming in.

We're in Newport today and the last three days it's been raining like crazy. We may go into town and see some glass blowing studios.  We're hear for five days the weather is suppose to get nicer and warmer tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.
Love Mom and Dad

Thursday, June 8, 2017

more photos

I remembered more pictures, so I'll show some more.  We saw deer munching grass near Yosemite Falls.

Look at all the water.

Half Dome.  It was closed because of snow.

Our friends were amazed by the size.

We had a good time so far.  We couldn't go down to the water level at Crater Lake because of snow again.  The snow was cleared up to the lodge and no farther.  I heard a ranger tell some one on the phone that the roads wouldn't be clear until sometime mid-July.  We got rain today here in Grants Pass.  The wind came up big time and a tree broke off and a little trailer got some big damage.  No one was hurt.  It was strange that the tree lost it's top from about 20feet up.  Weird
We leave in the morning for Brookings.


We are having a great time with our friends.  We showed them the Redwoods, the Sequoias, and Yosemite.  This is from the Redwoods.

The fish at the top of the frame is the high water mark from a flood of 1964.  It's about 20 feet up the tree.
This is a scene from Columbia State Park in the gold country.  It's a reproduction of an old mining town.

We're at Crater Lake.  This is Linda and Darrell Marshall.  They are from Michigan.

This is Sally and Gary Johnson.  They are from Utah.

I've not taken many photos so far.  And it's been over a year since I've used this program and I can't figure out how to get rid of the underlining.  I have to do each line at a time.  I'll figure it out by the time we get home.  
Anyway the falls at Yosemite where fantastic.  We walked up the lower falls and got drenched.  It was beautiful.  We also saw some people climbing El Cap.  Nuts...
This is all for now. 
Love, Mom and Dad