We are in Bemidgi until tomorrow morning. When the sun finally came out two days ago we went out exploring. Here is the visitor's center sign.

See how tall Paul Bunyan is compared to your dad.

It even makes me look little.

We saw these two dogs at the headwaters parking lot. Can you imagine living with that huge and tiny dog?

This is most of our group listening to our tour guide at Lake Itasca State Park. She has a beaver pelt in her hand.

The trees are starting to change colors up here. This is a young Sugar Maple in all it's splender.

We walked about 900 feet total to the headwaters.

There were loads of people there to look at where the Mississippi starts the parking lot was full. I put my hand in the water; it was pretty cold. My cells will be in the Gulf of Mexico in 90 days.

Some friends crossing the river on the rocks after our tour guide asked us not to. Didn't listen huh?

This is the lounge of the dining room where we ate lunch. It's a real log cabin hotel. It's called Douglas Lodge in the park.
We had a really nice trip today. We saw a bunch of eagles in the tree tops on the way back from the park. When we got back to Bemidgi we went to a woolen mill and toured it. We toured it yesterday and we still learned more today. I also found a box of yarn for sale real cheap, and I got it. I got about two lbs. Now I can make more baby blankets. Well, it's almost dinner time. So I close for now
Paul and Blue! My old friends but I think I posed in front of blue when I was about 8. Do they not let you cross the rocks anymore? I have a picture of me crossing them when I was there. Have fun!
I love it when the maples change. They're so beautiful!
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