Friday, September 16, 2011

On the way to our trip

One day when Fern had an appointment we wandered around the UP. We stopped into this place just to see what it was. Fun.

They have all kinds of silly displays out in the yard.

This is a "hunting camp."

The other side of the camp.

I took this picture this morning in Cedar, Wisconsin. They are harvesting the corn for silage. I didn't know how they did it until this morning. The corn field was right next to our campsite.

We didn't have any WiFi the last two days. It was strange being out of touch for 48 hours. I can't believe how attached I am to this computer. Go figure!

We are in Cloquet, MN. That's just south of Duluth. The weather has been really cool the last few days. When we left Michigan is was rainy and in the fifties. In Cedar, WI it got down to 36 one night and last night it was 37. Now here in Minn. it's 6:00 pm and in the 60's. We'll see what happens tonight. We are going to go exploring tomorrow. More later