Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We can't get a signal on Verison, and the WiFi is slooow here in the back woods ( really the desert)so no pictures this week. We're in Soap Lake Wash. We got here Sunday and everyone in our tour group is here already as well. So we've been getting to know every one thus far.
Last night we drove up to the Grand Coulee Dam. We saw a few films about the dam and one about the geology of the area. Very interesting. At 10:00 last night the dam had a laser show that they did on the water coming over the dam. It was complete with music. It was really nice. The only problem was we had to drive back the fifty miles on very dark roads. Thank goodness we have the GPS.
We go into Canada on Thursday. We have to got to a meeting tomorrow afternoon to get the latest info about crossing the border. Things like no fresh produce, two bottles of wine per person, and the most important is no firearms. We have no problems with either of those things. And we have our passports and the dog's medical stuff all in order. This is going to be sooo much fun. I hope we get better service ahead,or I'm not going to be able to send many pictures this year.
I send more next week. Love, Mom and Dad

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