Sunday, June 20, 2010

Going to the Alaska Highway

We stayed one night in Valemount, BC where I got some laundry done before we had a staff prepared supper. It was good and everyone had a good time. The pulled pork was great. We left there the next morning for Prince George, BC.

The scenery on the way up here was fantastic. And we saw three bears. Two were smallblack ones. One was running across the road like his mother was calling him, and the other was just munching away in the field. It was a good trip. We spent two days there and met our new travelers. There are five new couples. And they are just as nice as the old eleven couples. We had a free day so we went to the Costco to get some necessities to last a while and then we went wandering. We went into a Canada Tire Store, and they don't have many tires for sale. But they have sporting goods like hockey sticks and camping gear as well as car supplies, bikes, container store type stuff, paint, plumbing stuff like a Wal*Mart without the clothes. It was different to say the least. We left there on Saturday morning.

We drove up to Dawson Creek, BC. It was a long trip with not much scenery to look at. Then we started to cross the Rockies again. The mountains are magnificent. We stopped a couple of times just to watch. We saw a couple of bears along the way, but still no moose. One couple, the Beavers saw two mose on the same trip. We did stop at Chetwynd where they have a chainsaw carving contest every year. The town folks display the carvings along the main road. They were amazing to look at. We got here in Dawson Creek in time to listen to a lady, Keltie, from the chamber of commerce give a talk. It was interesting to hear how the Alaska Highway was built. It seems that in 1942 30,000 or so Army men came up and built he darn thing all 1450 miles of it in about ten months.

We went to the Mile Zero post and had our picture made this morning as a group. That was the official start of the highway. Then we got our picture at the original maker post that has been moved into the center of an intersection. After that we drove out to see an original bridge over a river. The new bridge is on the new part of the highway. Tonight we went to dinner at a game farm and had a hayride around the farm to see a herd of bison,up close and personal. We also saw elk,mountain goats,deer, wild boar, and Dahl sheep. We ate wild boar, Bison, and venison with all kinds of salads. The desserts were fantastic. Yum.

We leave in the morning for Ft. Nelson. It's a longer trip so good night for now.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Wow, the photos are great. Hopefully you'll get to see a moose. That's the one thing we've wanted to see both summers.