Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Canadian Rockies

I'm going to try this for the third time tonight. I keep getting kicked off or I make sutpid mistakes. So here goes.

You all probably read all about our day in Oliver, so I won't bore you except to say we had a fun time.

We drove on up the valley to a place called Revelstoke. We camped in a canyon surrounded by mountains. The only problem was we had no WiFi signal, but the scenery was georgous. We only stayed there the one night and we were on to the next place.

We went to Canmore, Alberta and stayed in a very nice park except that it rained almost the whole time there. We had a bus tour of Banff and Lake Louise. Wow, as you can see from the photos the palce is amazing. The national parks here have little towns in them unlike in the states. A person can't own the land they live on only lease it. It seems to work for them up here. The rain stopped for the most part when we got off the bus to take pictures. The bus driver said we had good karma going with us that day, but in the morning we left the campground with overcast skies and a promise of more rain to come.

We drove on up the the Columbia Icefields. Now that was fantastic. We got snowed on as we traveled, but only for a while. We saw a black bear and a light colored bear along the way. Most of the way up there we could see several glaciers. We got to the visitors center in time to eat lunch and head over to the museum before our trip out to the Athabasca Glacier. We took a huge bus/snocat thing out onto the glacier. We got to stop and get out and look around for a while. It was great. We tasted the water from the melted ice and climbed up a snow bank and looked around while some of us had a snowball fight. I on the other hand decided to fall on my way down the mound and slid down on my bottom. I got very wet, but it was fun. I was a kid again. We dry-camped at the visitors center so I got changed and we ate supper. We sat there for a while and it rained yet again so our leader had a CB meeting for our trip the next day. During the meeting it began to snow and snowed for about an hour. The ground temperature was to high for it to stick, it didn't stick. But it sure was pretty. It got down to 34 degrees last night. Brrr

We drove west today and we are back in BC. The weather was beautiful. We saw a waterfall and more mountains. Tomorrow we leave for Prince George, BC and will pick up the rest our our tour group, five more couples.

That's all for tonight. Now I have to try and up load the photos. Wish me luck


mendy said...

Wow, it looks so beautiful!

Mark said...

That's cool that you can dry camp in the NP parking lot at the ice fields. Those are great pictures.