The rain in Nashville made us very wet while we went to pick up our tickets for the show Saturday night.

We saw Crystal Gale. Her hair isn't as lush as it use to be.

And we saw Charlie Pride. It was a great show. We were on the radio live. Woo Hoo. We saw several other stars as well. Nancy Grace even did some commercials for the radio.

I can't figure how to flip this shot around. I thought I had it when I down loaded it. Anyway we went to Bush's Bake Bean Visitor Center. It was fun and we got our picture made there. I next to Duke. We also had lunch at their café. Yum

Today we went The Great Smokie Mt.

The trees are tall and the waterfalls are unique.

Mendy, you and Mike could walk some of the 800 miles of trails. Or you could hike the Appalachian Trail to Maine.

Your dad walked up about 30 steps to over look the Newfound Gap. I didn't because it would hurt my knees coming down.

This is the view from the highest point in the park. It's called Clingman's Dome. While we were up here we were in NC. The park is in two states. It was 56 up here and after we got back down to our campground it was 80.

The park has several cabins that they keep up. I read that there is over 80 homesteads in the park. These people were all bought out to make the park. The only sad thing about this park is that a good 50% of the trees are dead. Up high it's Doug Firs, and down lower it's Hemlock. It is some pest called woolly adelgid.
We leave for Virginia in the morning. Your dad has had a restful two days. And we only have 230 miles to go tomorrow.
It's hard to believe with today's houses, that someone actually lived in that cabin, in winter!
I would hike the Appalachian Trail if I could be guaranteed a hotel every night. I'm too much of a princess for tent camping.
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