We are in Nashville for today and tomorrow. We are going to the Grand Ole Opry tonight. The headliner is Charlie Pride. The last time we were here The Opry was dark the two nights we stayed. This morning is kinda' weird. We don't have to get up and put everything away to get ready to go. There has been only one other day so far. We did laundry, big whoop! Your dad reminded me that we have only one other time before Vermont for a one-nighter. We out ran the rain pretty much so far until early this morning. The rain caught up with us. It's been raining about 8 hours now. But that's alright because we don't have to go out in it except to go to the Opry tonight.

These are the only pictures I took while we traveled. We're at Tom Sawyer RV Park in West Memphis, Ark. You can see our view from our rig. We had a lightning storm while we were there, but it only lasted a few minutes. It sure was loud. It sounded like the strikes were very near.

There was one row of RV's in front of us but we could still see the river and the huge barges going up and down the river.

As you can see we didn't unhitch the Honda at all, that is until we got here to Two Rivers RV about two miles from the Opry.
That's all for this week. Will have more later on.
Love, Mom and Dad
See you soon! 😘
See you in a couple weeks!
Ditto 😜
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