Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Corn Palace

We went to a prehistoric Indian center yesterday.  They have a dwelling that they think might have looked like.  An estimation of the people in this medium sized house is maybe 15 or so lived in here.

This building shelters an ongoing dig.  The folks feel fortunate that this bluff has never been plowed.

Here's the dig itself.

Today we went into town to see the Corn Palace.

There's a lot of murals all made out of corn.

Even on the inside are corn pictures.

It's an arena.  They have plays, basketball games, and concerts.

The city is in the process of redoing the murals.  They start in June and should be done by the middle of August.

The workers fill in the blanks with the correct color corn.  It's a corn by the number.

We leave in the morning for Kennebec.  We'll be seeing a couple of L&C sites to see there.  The wind has come up here in SD.  The temp dropped about 9 degrees in 30 minutes. Maybe we'll get some rain. I saw on the net that San Diego might get some rain as well.
Well that's all for today.
Love, Mom and Dad


Mark said...

Corn palace is cool, that's one place I want to see for myself one of these days.

here, we've got scattered t-storms and oppressive, for San Diego, humidity. Broke down and turned on the AC today.

mendy said...

Mark is way tougher than me. I've had the AC on since June.