Thursday, August 17, 2017

Day one in Great Falls

We saw three waterfalls today.  We are in Great Falls, MT.  This falls is called Black Eagle Falls.

We went to another L&C site again.  This is the best museum for L&C that we seen so far.

This is a New Foundland like went on the Corp of Discovery with L&C. I'm not sure how to spell the name of the breed.

This is how the men took the boats around the five waterfalls.  It took them almost three weeks.

This is the shortest river in the world.  It's about 250 feet long.  It's called Roe River.

This is Giant Springs. It's suppose to be the largest spring in North America.  I can't remember how much water comes up from these springs but it's a lot.

This is the second falls.  It's Rainbow Falls.

This is the third falls.  It's called Ryan Falls.  It was named from the Ryan Dam.  This falls was the first falls that L&C saw.  This is the real Great Falls.

When we got back this afternoon we found we had a visitor on our doorstep.  A neighbor told us it had been there for an hour sleeping.

We have two more days here, then we head off to Helena.  We'll be able to see 90% of the eclipse from Helena.
That's all for now.
Love, Mom and Dad


mendy said...

Bunny looks smug.

mendy said...

And make sure you have a full fridge and a full tank of gas. The hordes are descending for the eclipse!

Mark said...

All that water . . .