Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The leaves are starting to change colors up here.

We had a coffee in this Mickey D's.  Look at the decor.

I took a picture of your dad near the Swift River here in NH.

The other side of the Mickey D's.

More of the river.

The Swift River again.

This is the boat we took over to Cabbage Island in Booth Bay Harbor, ME

They told us that Kennedy went to church in this cute little building.

The fourth oldest lighthouse in New England.

Another lighthouse on our way to the island.

We have arrived.

This is the dinner they served us.  The steamers weren't all that great but the Lobsters were.

Guess Who?

We saw this sailboat on the way back to port.
Now we are in Acadia National Park.  It's on an island.

Cadillac Mt.  It has a view of BaaHaaBah (Bar Harbor)

A view from the road down to the ocean.

Another view from the Mountain.

Bar Harbor and some of the Porcupine Islands.

The Bubbles on a rainy day.  these hills were scoured by a glacier.

Don't I look cute?  It's raning pretty hard at the time.

More ocean.  It is really beautiful up here.

Now this is the Bubbles on a sunny day.

Our horses, Betty on the left and Reba.  They are French Draft horses.

This house was designed by a man named Atterbury in about 1920.

That's the "carriage" we rode in for two hours.  It was six miles long.

We've had a great time in Maine.  We spent a whole week there.  It's too bad it's so far away.  I loved it there.  The people are really friendly.  We've seen people stop their cars and let people out of a gas station or a side road when there is a great long line of cars behind them.  It's nice they share the road like adults.  Go figure!

We're in New Hampshire today.  We got the last of Isaac in the form of RAIN last night and early this morning.  But we drove into the White Mountain Natioal Forest anyway.  It is really nice up here as well.  We didn't finish the scenic drive; it's over 100 miles. We're going back tomorrow.  We're not going up Mt. Washington because we will while on our tour.  It starts next Tuesday. 

Well that's all for tonight.  I hope we have better hotspot serve the next time to blog.  I didn't like being patient with uploading the photos.  I'm not good at that.   I hate to wait for anything.  And i had a ton of pics to share.  See ya soon.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Great pictures!

You can always go find a Starbucks for a cup of coffee and free wifi. ;-)