Saturday, July 28, 2012

Aunt Beverly's

Kim's kids out swinging on the front deck.
This is where we are parked in Bev's yard.
This is Kim and Bo's house next door to Bev.
Beverly is starting to feel better after her surgery.  All three just finished up their dessert.
The three watching a Tom and Jerry film on Beverly's phone.

We've been here since Friday afternoon.  I've been cooking for my sister and feeding her stuff she likes to help her feel better.  The visit has been fun. She doesn't feel like she has to entertain us this time.  I've been enjoying just sitting and talking.  We leave here Monday morning sometime and head to Springfield, Ill.  We are going to visit the Lincoln library and anything else Lincoln.

We'll write more next week.  Kiss the kids for us.  Love 


mendy said...

Thanks for growing tomatoes. They're delicious. ;)

Paula Ammerman said...

That's just where Marvin said you would park the motorhome.

Mark said...

I'm glad that Aunt Bev is feeling better.

I'm heading out today for my turn at the tomatoes.

Post lots about the Lincoln Library, that seems like a cool place to visit.