This is the view from our rig. We were right on the river and could see LA. across the river.

The view from the other direction.

We had a carriage ride through Natchez. There was five carriages in all.

This is one of the many churches in town. Slaves used to enter the balcony through the side of the building.

A big fancy antibellum house that has been turned into a hotel.

Can you tell where this water tower is?

This is George our driver and Roger our steed. George was a great guide. He told us some of the houses were built in 17 and 92. His accent was wonderful. To keep the streets cleaner, the horse has a large black bag just behind his tail. Well, Roger took a dump and we had to smell the aroma for the rest of our tour. Ugh.

The last carriage to return to the start.

This is the bridge taht crosses the river back to LA from our coach. It was a beautiful sight.
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