Monday, July 30, 2018

Our last week in Michigan

No new photos, we have just been resting and getting things done that we haven't done in the last month.  We went to Marshall for three days to meet up with our Michigan friends.  Your dad and Darrell went to a antique car museum.  Linda and I just sat and caught up on happenings since our trip together last summer, while I did some laundry.  Then we went to a play at Turkeyville Dinner Theater with a turkey dinner.  It was cute.  that was Saturday. It was a fun visit.

Sunday at noon we left the Turkeyville Campground for a KOA in Allendale. We went grocery shopping today. We were going to have eat out. (Too bad.) We slept about 9 hours last night.  I think we were tired.

 We were near Battle Creek while in Marshall and we are near Grand Rapids now.  Wednesday we head out to Elkhart, Ind. We want to go to the RV museum while there.  Then I'll probably take some pictures then. The museum is  suppose to have a bunch of some old RVs.

Talk soon
Love Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please take pictures of the cool old RVs. That would be neat to see.