Saturday, September 2, 2017

Snake River

We took a jet boat tour of the Snake River in Clarkston, Washington.  We went up river for 60 miles.  And back again. The canyon is called Hell's Canyon. The scenery is spectacular.

Most of the river through here is very calm.

Native Americans made these scratches in the rocks some 1100 years ago.  

We saw deer, at least 5.  This guy was swimming across the river.  Our guide thinks it was probably escaping a predator.

I'm proud of this shot.  I got the reflection perfectly.

The rapids were a BLAST.

We saw rafters floating down the river.  Some of the raft trips last up to 6 days.

This is a class 3 rapid.  Lots of fun.

We saw wild turkeys at the ranch we stopped for lunch.

More rapids

And we saw a bunch of big horn sheep.

This one of 114 shots I took that day.  You are lucky I only sent a few.

We are in McMinnville, Oregon.  We went into to town and did some wine tasting.  We also had lunch.  We are done doing L&C stuff. Now we are winding our way south.  The heat here is as bad as it is at home.  So we are staying in AC.  We got back to our rig before  it reached 100.  I think I'm done for this time.

Love, Mom and Dad


Christy said...

Cool spotting the big Horn!!! It's hot, that's for sure!

mendy said...
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mendy said...

Jet boats are so much fun!!

Mark said...

The boat trip looks awesome, pretty cool that you saw the deer swimming across the river.