Three generations playing ring toss.

All of us but me watching THE soccer game. USA won!!!

Nick got another Junior Ranger badge.

Nick loves water, and Mom loves taking pictures.

Bev and Marvin et al in Yellowstone.

One of the many waterfalls.

We ate lunch at Mammoth Hot Springs and saw this elk doe having a snack on the hotel lawn.

We spent two days in the park. The scenery is still beautiful.

Old Faithful at the start of an eruption.

These are Kim's three. Clair 11, Sterling 13, and Treste7.

One day we drove up to Earthquake Lake. The quake happened on Aug. 16, 1958. 19 people were never found. Twenty eight people in all perished. The trees are just now coming back to the gash on the mountain.

This is the Madison River that was dammed from the quake. They had to dig a spill way or the lake would have drowned the villages up stream.

Earthquake Lake

The day before we all left West Yellowstone I took a pictures of each family. This is Libby, Steve, and Parker. He's a hoot. He's so happy most of the time. Its hard to believe he's 4 years old already.

Here's Rick, Paula with Sarah and Allie.

And last but not least, Chris, Shawna, Cheyenne (in light blue), Justin, and Taylor.
We had a great time with family and Libby is already planning another trip in 2017. She is a great planner. The only people who couldn't make it were Angel. She had to work as did Bo. Maybe next time they will be able to come.
We're in Wyoming today and for the next week. We are just going slow and enjoying ourselves. It's finally warm from Yellowstone. The three days we were in Billings, it was in the 90's. Well that's about it for today. See you all soon. Love, Mom and Dad
Where is she planning the next one?
Except for the torrential rain / hail in Mammoth, looks like you've had good weather
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