While we were at Red Bay waiting for service, we drove up to Florence, Ala. We wanted to see the Indian mounds (or at least I did) and the site was closed. Well, there was a Wright house there and it was open. We toured it and it took over an hour. Our docent was full of knowledge. That cover back there is a car port.

One side of the house was all windows. This was the dining room. A couple and their four boys lived here until the wife needed assisted living in 1998.

Her kitchen. The first kitchen was about he size of a wet bar. Four kids????

The halls were all shelves. The doorways were only 2 feet wide except for the front door.

We got finished in Red Bay and drove to Nashville. It was Thursday so no show, but we took a backstage tour of the Opry.

This is where the stars check in and get their dressing room.

The place where your grandparents sat. They were on the ground floor.

This wooden circle is from the original stage at the first theater, the Ryman.

Back of the stage

This is what a audience member might see on show night .I took pictures of some of the dressing rooms but they were too dark to share.
We were in Red Bay for 8 days for 4 hours of service. But the people were friendly while we all waited our turn. At least I now have a working microwave. We're in Kentucky today. We're heading out to Mammoth Cave National Park this morning. We're in Cave City. Tomorrow we head out to Bardstown and on to the Bourbon Trail. We have six days before we meet up with the Derby Rally. Sounds busy and a blast.
Love, Mom and Dad
The dining chairs in the Wright house look stylishly uncomfortable.
Did you go in a cave?
Also, send me a text with your location at the Derby. I want to look for you guys on TV.
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