We visited the World Center for Birds of Prey while in Boise. This is a gyrfalcon. Who's watching who?

They have a live show every day. This was a bird that will be in a free-flying show in October. Very interesting.

We walked down on that trail overlooking the Snake River. There is a golf course down there.

Another view

This bridge use to be the tallest bridge in the country. It is over 400 feet tall.

We drove over to Shoshone Falls. It is just a trickle this year. They are doing some construction work and have diverted the falls for a while. I'll bet it is beautiful when running full force.

This is the opposite direction.

Your dad looking into the sun.

And me looking into the sun.
The weather here has been coolish this week. Last night it got down to about 45. The warmest today was 60. So of course we needed sweaters. We leave in the morning for Arco. More later
Love, Mom and Dad
1 comment:
Brag, brag, brag. Its been like the surface of the sun here!
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