This is a great view of the mountains. They say that because there are no foothills you can see them from far far away.

More mountain


and again

This is Lake Jackson. It is the northern most dam on the Snake River. Idaho gets it irrigation water from up here.

They said that there are 200 moose in the park. Yeah, right! This is the only moose we saw in three days in the park. Papa can touch this one.

Now we did see a huge herd of bison in the park two days in a row. It was about five pm, so it was time for the herd to be bedding down. We even saw several calves too far away to photograph.

We took our own picture. I was looking into the sun. Can ya tell?

This is a view from atop Signal Mountain Summit. You can see a lot of Jackson Hole ( the valley) from here. That is a pothole made by the glacier.

The Snake River from the summit.

You can see Jackson Lake from up there also.

The antler arch at the square in downtown Jackson. They change it or mend it and three mates every year. We have a picture of Mark in the arch about forty years ago. I'll try to find it when we get home.

Another view of these beautiful mountains.
We left the Tetons Wednesday and drove through the park and then into Yellowstone Park. We drove up and over Yellowstone Lake and on to Cody. We saw Pronghorns, a couple of deer, and a bunch of bison in several places. We saw a part of the park we had never seen before. We have never been out or in for that matter the East gate of the park.
We are going to a rodeo tonight after a cowboy dinner. This is a busy little KOA. We are also going to the Buffalo Bill Cody Center after lunch this afternoon.
We leave here for Buffalo, WY Saturday morning. We're not sure what's there, but we'll soon see.
Bye for now. Love, Mom & Dad
Those are some pretty mountains!
Wow, cool to see the snow still on the mountains and I remember the antler arch.
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