Saturday, August 27, 2011


I've taken no pictures this week. We were so delighted that the RV got fixed in time for us to get Helena to the Mall of America that I forgot about the camera. So here goes. We got to Minneapolis on Saturday and found a place to do laundry ( big whoop.) Sunday morning we got up and ate and left for the mall by noon. We followed Helena round for four hours as she bargain hunted on one and a half floors of that huge place. We ate dinner at the mall and drove back to the rig exhausted. Monday we got there ( the mall) at about the same time and followed Helena around again for four hours. We did the other floor and a half then. She spent all of her money for back to school, but got lots of clothes. The kid can shop. Her mother has taught her well. We ate dinner there at the mall again and went back so Helena could pack her treasures and get ready to fly out the next morning. She was very excited to be flying on her own, but I was a little nervous about it. I guess she grew up while I wasn't looking. We had a really good time with her this month. I can't wait until we can do it again.
We left Minn. Wednesday morning and drove to Oakdale, Wisc. We stayed there for three nights. One day we wondered around the small Amish area. It's not as concentrated as Ind. or Penn. but nice. The next day we drove around the cranberry marsh area. It seems that 60% of cranberries are grown here. We went to a museum and learned a lot about growing and processing practices. We drove on down the I90 to Madison this morning. There seems to be a lot to do here. We'll let you know next time and maybe I'll even remember to take some photos.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Helena's company. She forgot to take pictures too. Get some rest. :-)