Saturday, June 23, 2018

our tour begins

We haven't got any pictures since the last post.  We've been busy getting to Michigan.  We got here yesterday and it's been raining on and off since we left the Dayton, Ohio area.  Our tour starts tomorrow afternoon with a meet and greet luncheon.  I plan on taking tons of pictures while here.  I'll try to make new post at least once a week.

That's all for today.  Love, Mom and Dad

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sightseeing in New England

We spend a few hours in Bar Harbor.  It's on the same island as Acadia National Park.  

In the park is a lighthouse that is still being used.  The view from here in photos don't do it justice.
We travelled to Booth Bay the next day.  It is a tiny little town that has tons of Gift shops. We spent 3 days here just wondering.

That is a huge house out on that spit.
Our next stop was Kennebunkport, where we looked for Walker's Point.  George H.W. Bush lives out on the beautiful point.  Live is hard.  I can see why he was ready to get here after he lost Barbara.

This sailboat is a floating café.

The town sign is quite quaint.  I really like it here better than the other little town in New England. We couldn't find a parking spot on Sunday, so we just drove around the area.  We went back on Monday and got a spot, but one hour later people couldn't find many empty places.  We ate a lot of seafood while we were in Maine.  The only thing is lobster is getting expensive here.  What is this world coming to???

We are here in Massachusetts at Old Sturbridge Village. There are costumed people all over the town.  It is suppose to be 1830's or so. These ladies are dying yarn like back in the day.

Livestock  Look at the horns.  We saw sheep and chickens roaming free.  The chickens not the sheep.

Here is a printer doing demo.  There tons of 5th graders in the park today and they were having a ball.  They were asking some pretty good questions.

The sound from this gunshot is very loud and made me jump every time he shot his gun.  It was at least ten times.

This guy makes shoes.  Someone told us that a pair of these shoes would cost $1.00 back then.

The potter

And the blacksmith

We spend all day here.  It was really interesting talking to actors here.  I took tons of pictures, but I am only sending a few.  I don't want to bore anyone.  
We leave in the morning and will head toward Michigan.  We should be there by the 23.  We plan on not doing too much between here and there so we'll be fresh when our tour starts.  
I guess that is all for tonight.  More later.
Love Mom and Dad

Friday, June 1, 2018

Acadia National Park

We had a picnic lunch yesterday in Acadia.  We ate left over KFC and after we cleaned up our mess a pair of crows came down to the table to make sure we had done a good job. 

We saw three beaver lodges in this pond.  Hence the nickname busy beaver.

This is Sandy Beach.  Lots of folks visit here in the summer.

Guess who?

This is Thunder Hole.  At high tide the water comes flying up those steps and wets anyone down.

This is Jordan's Pond.  There is a tea room on this lake that serves Popovers that are suppose to be great.  We were too full from lunch to try one.

We went up to the top of Cadillac Mt.  It's 1500 feet high.

People climb all over the rocks up here.  We didn't because it looked rather slick.

The coast up here is all rocky

The green plants in the foreground are blueberries.

The clouds started coming in while we were on the Schoodic Peninsula.  This is a small part of Acadia that isn't in the main park that is on an island.

Out on the tip of Schoodic you can see the open ocean.  It was 56 out here on the point and very windy.  Brrrr

There is an old navy base here that has become a research center.  One of the streets has a familiar name.  It seems he was the architect for T. Roosevelt to make a wagon road with bridges etc. for the people to use back in 1916. We took the horse drawn  wagon tour the last time we were here in 2012.

We've had a really good time here so far.  We plan on a day off tomorrow and just hang out.  
We're here until Wednesday and head off the Booth Bay for awhile. More later.
Love, Mom and Dad