We had these taken at the Walter Cronkite Museum at the end of our tour there. I don't know how to get them down to the pictures I took there. So here I am posing like Walter at the news desk during a commercial break.

Dad waiting for the commercial to be over. This was fun for us because we used to watch Walter every night.

We stayed in St. Joseph, and that is where the Pony Express started. The riders could get mail from here to Sacramento in 10 days. It only lasted about 18 months because the railroad came together and telegrams were soon available.

The well is still in the building from when the Express used it.

The next day we went to the Walter Cronkite Memorial. He was born in St. Joe in 1916.

The space race is represented big time. Walter was very interested in NASA.

He interviewed Captain Kangaroo. He interviewed almost everyone.

The one day it wasn't raining we got a picture of the Pony Express Monument.

We drove into Jefferson City yesterday from our campsite to see the capitol. As you can see it is under wraps to restore some of it.

Everything is up and down hill here. My Fitbit said I climbed nine flights of stairs yesterday

The capitol dome

There is a monument to the Lewis and Clark trip.

We drove back up toward the I 70 to Fulton. At Westminster College is a Winston Churchill Museum. He gave his " Iron Curtain" speech here in 1946.

His desk from his home in Great Britain.

One of his paintings He was quite the artist.

This museum has eight panels of the Berlin Wall. His granddaughter got these donated to this museum.

Churchill's statue outside the OLD church where the museum is. It had pails inside to catch rain water that was dripping from the holes in the ceiling

This is what Jefferson City looked like in 1855.
We did the last two things while camped in Columbia. This morning we went to a farmers market in town. We got some farm fresh eggs, tomatoes, watermelon, and corn. Feast tonight!
We leave for Bev's in the morning and Branson after that. I don't know how much time I'll have for pictures, but we'll see.
Love, Mom and Dad